As everyone knows, the holidays are a wonderful time of year, but, as we also all know they can be very stressful! With all the hassles of shopping, traveling, figuring out what everyone wants, and having to say no to the one’s you love because what is on their Christmas list you just can’t afford right now. So when Dr. Carstensen presented my Technical Writing class with this “Help for the Holiday Blues” project, it got me to thinking about what every little girl or boy wants for Christmas at some point in time. Well you know me, the first thing that popped to my head was, a horse! I mean how many of us asked for a pony for Christmas at one time or another? I still ask for them even though I already have too many! But, I also know how expensive it is to keep a horse and having the space for one just isn’t an option for every parent no matter how bad they want to get their kids a pony or a horse. Most parents end up having to “skip the pony” this year and hope that their kids grow out of this phase quickly.

          So, the “Holiday Blues” found, I started trying to come up with a solution for parents this year so they wouldn’t exactly have to say “No” to their kids this Christmas when they asked for a pony. I got to thinking; I have so many horses that I could share them with the kids for a day! I could set up a day before Christmas so that any horse crazy kid could come out to my barn and see all the horses. They could pet them, learn about them, learn how to take care of them, and even ride them if they wanted to! I’m sure my horses, especially Xena, Glory, Doc, and Banner, would be glad to have someone else besides me ride them for a change and be glad for all the extra attention! Now I know it’s not a horse of their very own, but I think they would have fun and enjoy being able to ride a horse. It might even cure their “Holiday Blues”, as well as their parent’s. Now parents, I know what you are thinking, “if my kid rides a horse he or she is going to really want one!” I’ll admit this is very possible, but I promise to show them how much work it is to keep a horse and take care of a horse and they might never ask for one again! It is a 50/50 chance, what can I say? I hope all you parents will consider my “cure for the Holiday Blues” and bring your horse crazy kids out to ride for the day!

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